Curriculum Vitae

Linda Jansson Lothe

Ceramic Artist. Born in Gothenburg, Sweden


Writing methods in artistic practice, HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg 2023-2024

Practical pedagogical education, OsloMet, Norway 2014-2016

Master of ceramics, Oslo National Academy of the arts, Norway 1988-1993

University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Glass  and Ceramics, Stockholm, Sweden 1987-1988

Capellagården, Crafts Foundation, Ceramics, Öland, Sweden 1985-1987

Member ship

AIC; International Academy of Ceramics 2023-

The Artists Association of Sweden 2021-

The Association of Norwegian Sculptors  2020-

Norwegian Association of Arts and Crafts from 1993-

BONO, Norwegian visual artist copyright society

Stipendium / Grants

Miscellaneous grant, Arts and Culture Norway, 2023

10-year Government Grants for senior artists:,2020

1 year Specialization grant, Norwegian Crafts Association, 2018

2 years Government Grants for Artist, 2014-2016

2 years Government Grants for Artist, 2010-2012

3 years Government Grants for Artist, 2004-2007

STIKK, travel grant Norwegian crafts/Foreign ministry of affairs, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2021, 2022

Project support, Norwegian crafts association, 2015, 2016

Travel grant, Norwegian crafts association, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023                                              

Exhibition grant, Norwegian Arts Council, 1997, 2000, 2002, 2010, 2018

Norwegian Government Artist material grant, 2000

Norwegian Government Artist Travel grant, 1998 

Debutant grant for artist, Norwegian Arts Council, 1997

Norwegian Government Education grants for Artists, 1996

Establishing Grant, Norwegian Arts Council, 1996

Equipment support, Norwegian cultural fund, 1993

Manufacturer J.L. Eklunds stipendium, Sweden, 1998-1990

Financial support and Prices

Honorable mention in the 11th international competition of the Korean international Biennale 2021

Honorable mention in the Korean International Ceramic Biennale 2019

International Competition, with the art group AvArt, 2019

Haystack Scholarship, American-Scandinavian Foundation, 2012

Villvinprisen, Norway, 2010

Oslo city cultural price, Norway, 2008


«Can you hear me», Nordic exhibition with 20 artists, FAB Art gallery, Galleria FAB, University of Arts, Tirana, Albania. Co-curator with Mats Jansson, Nääs gallery, Göteborg, 2022

Nordic exhibition founded by Danish Art found, Swedish cultural fund, STIKK;Norwegian crafts/ Ministry of Foreign affairs, 2022

Group and duo exhibitions

«Between the clock and the bed»; Art group:Håkonsen, Lothe og Solvi, unstgarasjen, Bergen, Norway, 2027                    

«Between the clock and the bed»; Art group:Håkonsen, Lothe og Solvi, RAM galleri Oslo, 2026

Kunstbanken Hamar, Norwegian Crafts associations,50 years celebration, Summer Exhibition, 2025 

Rackstadmuseet, Arvika, Sverige, with the art group AvArt, 2024   

Solo exhibitions

Sintra gallery, Gothenburg Sweden 2023

Nääs Craft, Nääs,Sweden 2021

RAM gallery, showroom, «Sailing on your own, Oslo, Norway 2020                                 

Skaga, in collaboration with dancer Maria Lothe, Gallery Ramsmoen, Tynset, Norway 2019

Skaga, in collaboration with dancer Maria Lothe, Galleri Tøysentralen, Tolga, Norway 2019

Gallery Blås & Knåda, Stockholm Sweden, 2016

Konstepidimin, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2015

Hå gamle prestegård, Norway, 2014

Nääs Konsthantverk, Nääs, Sweden, 2012 

Akershus Kunstsenter, Norway, 2010

Galleri FORMAT, Bergen, Norway, 2007 

Natthagen galleri, Løten, Norway, 2006

RAM Galleri, Oslo, Norway, 2002

Bærums kunsthåndverk, Norway, 1999

Lillehammer kunstforening, Norway, 1999

Hordaland kunstnersenter, Bergen, Norway, 1997

Group exhibitions (in selection)

«Blossom Splendour – The Flower in Arts and Crafts and Applied Art». Galerie Handwerk, Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern, Munchen, Germany,     2023

«Can you hear me?», 20 nordic artists Galerie FAB, University of the Arts, Tirana, Albania, 2022     

«Fairy tales, myths and stories», Galerie Handwerk, Handwerkskammer für Munchen und Oberbayern, Munich Germany, 2022

«Blue collar, White collar», Project room, Galleri Format, Oslo, Norway, 2022

Ölands Konsthall; Himmelberga, Sweden, 2022

Korea International Ceramic Biennale, South Korea, 2021

«Blue collar, White collar», Project room, galleri Kraft, Bergen, Norway, 2020

The Korean International Ceramic Biennale 2019 International Competition, South Korea, 2019

«Blue collar – White collar» Buskerud Art center, Drammen, Norway, 2018

Dialouge b10 KHÅK art hall, Aalesund, Norway, 2017

«Blue collar, White collar», Nääs konsthantverk, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2017

Galleri Semmingsen, Oslo, Norway, 2015

«Mellomrom», Perfomance med dans/Keramikk, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of music and dance, London, 2015

Galleri Semmingsen «Hamskifte», Oslo, 2015

Finnskogutstillingen, Norway, 2012

Vevringutstillingen, Norway, 2011

«Essens», Kunstbanken, Hamar, Norway, 2010

Norvegian Ceramics and glass, Lasalle College of arts, Singapore, 2009

«Still Life», anniversary exhibition AvArt, Kunstristen galleri, Oslo, Norway, 2007

Anniversary exhibition på Akerhus kunstsenter 20 år, Norway, 2006

«Nordiskt konsthantverk», Varberg museum, Sweden, 2005

«Typisk Norsk», Vigelandsmuseet, Oslo, Norway och Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany, 2005

«Milli fiore», Hå gamle prestegaard, Norway, 2004

Keramische museum, Düsseldorff, Germany, 2004

«Figures in Norwegian ceramics», Traveling exhibition. Norwegian Foreign Affairs, 2003

«19 Ceramics», Galleri Format, Oslo, Norway, 2003

«Baroque», Christiansands kunstforening, Norway, 2001

«See Norwegian crafts» project exhibition, Bergen, Norway, 2001

«Vanitas», Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, 2000

«Coffe, tee og chokolate» Kunstindustrimuseet, Oslo, Norway, 2000

«Lyspunkt», Galleri Akershus Kunstnersenter, Norway, 1999

«Nordisk keramikktriennal», traveling exhibition, Museum of History, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998

«Tendenser», galleri F15, Jeløya, Norway, 1998

«EXPO-Lera», Västerås konstmuseum, Sweden, 1998

International crafts fair, Munchen, Germany, 1998

«In loco rytme», Sørlandets kunstmuseum, Risør kunstforening, Norway,1997

«Talente 96», München, Germany, 1996

Annual exhibitions 

The annual exhibition of theNorwegian Association for arts and crafts, K-U-K , Trondheim, Norway, 2024

The annual exhibition of Norwegian crafts, The National Museum of art design and architecture; Oslo, Norway, 2023

The annual exhibition of Norwegian crafts, Tromsø, Norway, 2020

The annual exhibition of Norwegian crafts, «Blue collar, white collar» Hydrogenfabrikken Fredrikstad Norway, 2018

Utstillingen 09, Norwegian crafts, Nasjonalmuséet, Oslo, Norway ,2009

Triennalen for smykker, tre og metall, Norway, 2004

Keramikktriennalen, Vigelandsmuseet, Norway, 2003

Norwegian crafts, The annual exhibition 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998

Collections and Museums

The National Museum of art design and architecture; Oslo, Norway, 2022

The Museum of Applied Arts, (Now; The National Museum) Oslo, Norway, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005

The City of Oslo Art Collection, 2020

Tynset hospital, Norway, 2019

Tynset municipality, Norway, 2019

Bærum municipality, Norway, 2019

Kode, The Museum of Applied Arts, Western Norway, 1999, 2000, 2018, 2020

The Museum of Applied Arts, Mid Norway, 2000, 2006, 2018, 2020

The Art unit, West, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden, 2017,2021

The Art unit, West, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden, 2012

Finnskogens Art Collection, Norway, 2012

Agder energi, Kristiansand, Norway, 2010

UD, Norwegian Embassy, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007

St. Olav hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 2006

Øystre Slidre Primary school, Valdres, Norway, 2001

The Museum of Applied Arts, mid Norway, 2007, 1999

The Museum of Applied Arts, Western Norway, 2007, 2001, 1999

Fund for commissioned Art Works, Norwegian Arts Council, 1998

Norwegian Arts Council 1997

Akershus Arts center, Pilotgalleriet, Norway, 1996

Several works in private collections: Sweden, Germany, Denmark, UK, Norway

Public Comissions

The Cultural House in Tolga, Norway, 2022

Frejaskolan, Primary school, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2016-2018

Lillestrøm Dental Clinic, Norway, 2011

Hotell SAS Radisson, Gardermoen Airport Hotel, Norway, 2004

Serenade of the seas, Royal Caribean Cruise Line, 2003

Gullhella Residential care, Norway, 2002

Brilliance of the seas, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, 2002

Radiance of the seas, Adventurer of the seas, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, 2001

Explorer of the seas, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, 2000

Purchased to a secretary office in Trøndelag, Norway, 2000

Travel and studies

The Centre for Ceramic Art (CCA), Ringebu, Norway, 2023

Guldagergaard international research center (artist in residence), Skælsør, Denmark, 2018

New York, USA, 2012

Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010

Czech Republic, 2008

New York, USA, 2005

Photoshop for artists, Oslo National Academy of the arts, Norway, 2004

Spain,1996, 1998

Crete, Greece, 1995

Turkey, 1990

Travel, courses and studies

«Writings methods in artistic practice», University of Gothenburg 2024

The Centre for Ceramic Art (CCA), Ringebu, Norway, 2023

Guldagergaard international research center (artist in residence), Skælsør, Denmark, 2018

Sculptural ideas, Haystack Mountain school of arts and Crafts, USA, New York, USA, 2012

«Sculptural Ideas», Anton Reijndeers, Haystack Mountain school, 2012

Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010

Concrete for Art Works; Gerlesborgskolan, Sweden, 2009

Czech Republic, 2008

New York, USA, 2005

Spain 1996, 1998

Crete, Greece, 1995

Turkey, 1990

Professional Activities

Member of the board, Buskerud Art Centre, Norway, 2021-

Lecture: «Norwegian Crafts», at Galerie FAB, University of the Arts, Tirana, Albania, 2022

Member of the committee for Government Grants for Artist, 2021

Regional chairman for the Norwegian crafts association, Oslo, 2018-2020

Film screening of «Rhytm of the hands» and artist talk with the Artist group AvArt, Moderator Mona J. Hoel, Buskerud Art centre 2018

Panel debate and film screening «Rhytm of the hands» and artist talk with the Artist group AvArt, Kunstnernes hus, Oslo, Norway, 2018

Norwegian Crafts, ceramic art representative in the Norwegian, Craft Acquisition Fund 2013-2017

External examiner for bachelor students, Oslo National, Academy of the arts, Norway, 2010, 2015

Chairman in jury for Exhibition Stipend 2010, 2012

Lecturer at Bengal gallery of fine arts «Contemporary Norwegian Ceramics and Glass», Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010

Lecturer and supervisor at faculty of fine arts, university of Dhaka and Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2010

Teacher in Visual Arts at Cultural School, Norway  2007

Supervisor at the Department of Product Design, OsloMet, Norway  2006

«Childrens prints», Art Project in Kindergarten, Norway  2006

Art Intermediary, Oslo Museum of applied arts, Oslo, Norway  2006

Member of the board at Akershus Art center, Norway, 2004

Art Consultant, Runni secondary school, Årnes  2002-2003

Art Consultant, Sørumsand high school, Norway  2001-2003

Project Manager for the Norwegian arts Association, Annual exhibition, Galleri F-15, Jeløya, Norway  1999-2001

Akershus Art center, Norway, Trainer in Ceramics, 1998-2000

Akershus Art Center, Art Intermediary, DKS, 1998-2009

Decorative Painter, Norwegian Broadcasting, NRK, freelance, 1996-1998


Photoshop for artists, Oslo National Academy of the arts, Norway, 2004

Silkscreen for Ceramic artists, National Academy of the arts, Oslo, Norway, 2003

Publications, articles and reviews (in selection)

Magazine La Revue de la Céramique et du Verre, 2024

On interdisciplinary research methods in the arts:

Norwegian Crafts Association Film: The Art visit, 2020

RAM publications: «Sailing on your own»; av Joakim Borda- Pedreira, 2020. Dogma Film and Ceramic art: The Case of ‘Blue Collar – White Collar’

Arild Berg, Mona J. Hoel, Elise Kielland, Linda J. Lothe, Mimi Swang, 2018

Kunsthåndverk 4/18, Norwegian Crafts Magazine, Review of the Annual Norwegian Crafts exhibition, 2018

«Artist of the week» Norwegian crafts association, 2018

Review in Göteborgsposten, «Blue collar, White Collar», Göteborg, Sweden, 2017

Zenit kulturmagasin, Sverige, 2012

Konsthantverk, Sverige, 2012

Kunsthåndverk 2/07, Norwegian crafts magazine, «Ceramic vases, Linda Lothe» 2007

«Artist of the month» Norwegian crafts association, 2005

Norwegian arts yearbook, 1999, 2003

«Stereo» Cultural program, NRK2 TV, Norwegian broadcasting, 2002

Arts & Crafts 4, Educational books 1999, 2007

Kunsthåndverk 1/03, Norwegian crafts magazine, review, «Janssons 

VG Newspaper review, Exhibition: «Alice in Wonderland», 2002

Art for everyone, magazine, «Janssons temptation» article 1998, 2005Fristelse», 2003

VG Newspaper review, Exhibition: «Alice in Wonderland», 2002

Art for everyone, magazine, «Janssons temptation» article, 1998, 2005